A person's ability to plan and organize his/her activities, be self-managing, develop work structures, follow a procedure, integrate into a structure and withstand pressure.
A person's ability to achieve results, carry out activities, take on challenges, be of service and perform.
A person's ability to work independently, work with others, control his/her activities, perform individually and perform with a team.
Interaction Style
Measures satisfaction derived from communicating with human beings, style of approaching people, interest in the human aspect of business, and ability to establish new contacts.
Technical Orientation
Measures satisfaction derived from technical learning, interest in detail and precision, interest in the technical or practical aspect of business, and ability to undergo technical training.
The predictor is a statistical estimator. It allows for the identification of the type of line or staff functions that best suit the person and the prediction of the ability to perform in a competitive or non-competitive work environment.