Measures satisfaction derived from communicating with human beings, style of approaching people, interest in the human aspect of business and ability to establish new contacts

  • Reserved
  • Needs time to develop new relationships
  • Listens, questions
  • Chooses the people he/she wishes to deal with, selective
  • Sociable, enthusiastic
  • Very comfortable with new contacts
  • Public relations
  • Comfortable with everyone


    GROUP A (01 to 09)

    People with these results are more comfortable in an environment that does not focus too much on interaction with people. They do not necessarily seek human contact.

    They derive little satisfaction from contacts they develop through their job. They like personal contact with close friends.

    They are comfortable in a job where social interaction and meetings are not necessary.

    • They have difficulty developing verbal skills.
    • They can appear indifferent to the people around them.

    GROUP B (10 to 29)

    People with these results are more comfortable in an environment where there is little human contact. They listen more than they talk; this is their way of communicating.

    They have average interaction skills, but they prefer personal contact with small groups.

    They prefer work that calls for skills other than verbal. They look for situations where they can learn new technical skills.

    • They must develop interaction skills.
    • Their integration program must be very practical.
    • They may have difficulty developing verbal skills.

    GROUP C (30 to 49)

    People with these results are more comfortable in an environment where there is a bit of human contact. They look for a milieu where just enough emphasis is placed on interaction with people.

    They have average interaction skills, but like social interaction. They prefer personal contact with a small team, or with people they know.

    They prefer a job that allows them to both establish new contacts and utilize their technical knowledge.

    • Their integration program must be practical.
    • Their integration process is facilitated by interpersonal communication techniques.

    GROUP D (50 to 69)

    People with these results value social interaction. However, this interaction can be more or less frequent.

    They are sometimes uncomfortable when they meet people for the first time or undertake new activities. They are enthusiastic, jovial and spirited. They combine two approaches: that of a technical expert and that of someone who manages and deals with people on an individual basis.

    They look for work where there is enough contact with people and a limited number of exchanges with new people. They prefer to use their knowledge rather than social interaction to achieve their objectives.

    • They need assistance from their colleagues and supervisor in order to integrate into their job.
    • They often attain their goals through individual contacts.

    GROUP E (70 to 89)

    People with these results like to enhance their image and that of their organization. They like to develop many contacts and constantly seek feedback through people's reactions.

    They like interaction and individual contacts. They are pleasant, sincere and full of life. They use persuasion to manage people on an individual basis.

    They prefer to achieve their objectives through their relationships and friends. They derive satisfaction from performing tasks with people.

    • They need constant contact with new people.
    • During the integration period, they are motivated by the acceptance of their work colleagues.
    • Their colleagues must be similar to themselves.

    GROUP F (90 to 99)

    People with these results like social interaction. They look for an environment where verbal skills and personal interaction are essential.

    They are pleasant, entertaining, cordial, sincere and full of life. They can communicate with a wide variety of people in different functions. They are comfortable with new people from the start and make new acquaintances easily. They use persuasion to manage people.

    They do not like repetitive work. They need a job that requires a lot of contact with new people.

    • They must not be in a situation where there is no human contact.
    • Their need for human contact may hinder their performance, especially if their work requires a lot of attention.
    • They tend to talk rather than listen.