A person's ability to plan and organize his/her activities, be self-managing, develop work structures, follow a procedure, integrate into a structure and withstand pressure
Likes clear objectives
Efficient within a structure
Respects the rules and hierarchy
Careful, conservative
Sets his/her own objectives
Develops his/her own structures
Organizes himself/herself independently
Looks ahead, anticipates, has flair
GROUP A (01 to 09)
People with these results look for a well-established, well-structured organization where plans are extremely well defined. An organization where they have constant feedback and where they are able to communicate regularly with their colleagues. They are comfortable in a context where the structures are rigid and where there is follow-up and coaching.
They dislike pressure and prefer harmony in their private lives and their careers. They are loyal and pleasant, and need to work with others, not alone.
They prefer specific activities that are part of a work plan to result-oriented activities. They want to know exactly what is expected of them.
- They need a defined and structured work context in order to integrate into their job and perform.
- It is essential that their work be organized and planned.
- They may be uncomfortable as supervisors.
GROUP B (10 to 29)
People with these results are very organized. They look for a positive atmosphere that encourages efficiency. A relaxed and harmonious milieu is important. They refer regularly to structure and work methods.
They are attentive to others, pleasant and thoughtful.
They faithfully respect work methods and procedures. They are uncomfortable where there is a lot of pressure, but react well to supervision.
They appreciate well-defined objectives, detailed tasks and work plans. They are efficient in a very structured and organized context.
- They need help in planning and managing their activities.
- They must be encouraged to develop a detailed work plan.
- They must be integrated slowly, with gradual learning experiences.
- They show resistance to change: they must be introduced to change methodically.
GROUP C (30 to 49)
People with these results work in an organized and structured manner. They are skilled at adapting themselves and at faithfully following a procedure. They integrate easily into an existing structure.
They are efficient in established and well-defined work situations. They are pleasant, thoughtful, calm and relaxed. They must be in harmony with their work environment in order to function effectively.
They require precise objectives and work plans. Experience and training in management and activity planning may be beneficial to them.
- They need a structure in order to integrate into their job and be productive.
- They must learn to plan their time and activities, and to withstand the stress imposed by the structure that surrounds them.
- Regular supervision encourages their performance.
- They may be resistant to change: they adapt to change slowly.
GROUP D (50 to 69)
People with these results are comfortable in an organization that has a history of growth, that retains its personnel, and, more specifically, that places a high value on talent. They use traditional methods to achieve their objectives. They strive to gradually develop their aptitudes for planning and organizing activities.
They are determined to achieve their objectives and show themselves to be competitive vis-à-vis their own performance standards. They conform to imposed performance standards. Their productivity may vary. They are positive and enterprising in specific situations. They are comfortable in an existing position and like specific objectives.
They are productive within a basic structure and well-organized activities. Training in management and activity planning may improve their performance. They accept minimum pressure and meet requirements.
- Structure and support facilitate their integration process and their performance.
- Adequate supervision, not too much, not too little, is useful to them.
- An efficient and profitable work plan is necessary.
GROUP E (70 to 89)
People with these results adapt well to an environment where there is a basic structure and minimum supervision. They are comfortable where there is room for personal initiative and where they can develop and use their talent and their planning and organizational skills.
They are self-assured, aggressive and rather creative in achieving their objectives. They are self-disciplined. They analyze and judge their performance. They are competitive vis-à-vis their own standards as well as those imposed on them.
Basic training and discipline in managing their time allow these people to create their work structure.
- They are resistant to a rigid structure and must get involved personally in their work.
- Check their activity planning until they achieve concrete results.
- They need assistance in planning and organizing their activities at the beginning.
GROUP F (90 to 99)
People with these results are able to perform in an environment that is either structured or non-structured. They are comfortable where intense effort is required to maintain satisfaction. They are also at ease where there are plenty of opportunities to develop new business.
They devise exclusive methods to achieve their objectives. They develop planning and organizational skills of their own. They judge and analyze their effectiveness harshly. They are bold, determined, self-assured and very competitive.
Their potential as a supervisor and/or manager is excellent, since they are focused almost solely on attaining their goals.
- They organize themselves independently and quickly reject supervision.
- Achieving their objectives can become more important than anything else.
- They can at times appear impolite and insensitive.