

There is no doubt that the ageing labour force and the identification of emerging professionals are one of the major challenges of the next decade. Indeed, the Québec public service will be called upon to replace 42% of its employees and the private sector 20 to 25 % - dramatic peaks of 50% will be felt in specific sectors or regions*.
Most enterprises and organizations are being caught off guard - they lack sufficient internal resources to fill the numerous vacancies resulting from retiring employees and are not equipped to face massive, regular staff hiring.
In both situations, ProfileSoft will prove to be a valuable tool. It will allow you to identify potential emerging professionals within your own organization and introduce required training without delay. Moreover, when required to hire externally, you can design model profiles for vacancies and quickly select the people you need. We are always there to help you meet the challenge.

ProfileSoft offers valuable support during sensitive promotions. On the one hand, we provide objective comparisons of individuals, which allow you to make enlightened decisions and on the other hand, we provide relevant arguments to justify your choices.
Selecting the right person for any promotion significantly impacts your organization. The domino effect resulting from promotions or hiring of new employees to fill resulting vacancies, in addition to investments needed to integrate these employees, channel resources, time and obviously money.
For example, you are not unaware than the best salesperson may not be the best sales manager. Does he or she have the required managerial skills? Promoting this person may mean that you risk recruiting an ineffective manager and losing your best sales person. Furthermore, such choices are often irreversible and that is why it is essential not to neglect the crucial steps that lead to promotions - and to really consider each person's skills and abilities.
*Source : Le Guide de l'emploi 2003